McSpocky On Newsvine

Monday, April 23, 2012

A LONG List of President Obama's Acco...

A LONG List of President Obama's Accomplishments! With Citations!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science -- and Reality

Via a book review by Daily Kos:

Given the title readers might be forgiven for assuming this is a purely partisan pseudoscientific attack—projection being all the rage on the right these days, eh? In fact the book is quite fair, the author carefully reviews instances where non conservatives resist evidence. He writes early on and illustrates throughout it's not that liberals or independents are always right about science, it's that, lately, conservatives are wrong a lot. From all outward appearances they often seem to be sincerely unaware of how wrong they are. At times they can even make a good faith effort to grasp why they're wrong and still fail. The book also introduced something new, at least for me, called the smart idiot effect: the more educated conservatives are, the more sure they are about their false beliefs.

I think this will be a book that all progressives will want to read, I know that I do!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

GOP Senate candidate compares Smoking ban to Hitler forcing Jews to wear the Star of David

Via: FreakOutNation

U.S. Senate Republican candidate John Raese, running in West Virginia, compared a county smoking ban with Hitler forcing Jews to wear the Star of David, while speaking at the Putnam County Lincoln Day dinner.

Read the rest of this story and take a look at the video. It will give you an idea of just how cuckoo the republican Party has become...

Iowa GOP Congressional Candidate Doubts Whether Obama 'Loves This Country' Because Of Buffett Rule Support

Via: Think Progress
A Republican congressional candidate in Iowa told a Tea Party audience yesterday that President Obama does not love his country because he supports raising taxes on millionaires.
Dan Dolan, one of three GOPers running to take on Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-IA) in Iowa’s second congressional district, made the comments on Thursday at a Tea Party meeting in Lamoni. After distorting how much revenue the proposed Buffett Rule, which raises taxes on millionaires, would bring in, Dolan used the president’s support for the measure as evidence that he is unpatriotic. “I have a hard time thinking that he loves this country if he’s willing to turn them against themselves for his own advancement,” Dolan declared.
It’s amazing that anyone would complain about raising the tax rates for the wealthy when they are now paying such historically low taxes. It seems that some GOPers are either blind or just prefer to lie.

Take a look at these links:
Historical Top Tax Rate
Historical Tax Rates On The Rich (Capital Gains) 
Taxes For The Wealthy Have Gone Down Dramatically

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Myth Of The Democratic Super Majority

The Myth Of The Democratic Super Majority » McSpocky's Progressive News: "This is information from 2010 that I wanted to share again because republicans still like to repeat the myth of a Democratic super majority during President Obama’s first two years in Office."

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I WILL Vote For Obama In 2012.

I WILL Vote For Obama In 2012.We want to do what's best for America by re-electing President Barack Obama.

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Fox News Commenters Unleash Unholy Racist Hell Following Zimmerman’s Murder Charges

Fox News Commenters Unleash Unholy Racist Hell Following Zimmerman’s Murder Charges: "The news of George Zimmerman’s arrest and charges of Second Degree murder for the shooting of Trayvon Martin brought much-needed closure to Trayvon’s family, protestors, and to the calm and rational citizens following this tragedy closely. But not to the rabid racists at Fox Nation.

Now, the racial overtones of the Trayvon Martin case has unleashed a whole new level of racism not seen since lynchings in the South. And if there’s anything worse that putrid racism, it’s grammatically incorrect putrid racism."

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

According To FOX News, Democrats Invented 'War On Women' To Distract From Bad Economy

According To FOX News, Democrats Invented 'War On Women' To Distract From Bad Economy: "Via Mediaite: "On Monday's Fox & Friends, Steve Doocy tackled the topic of the "war on women." The whole notion, he said, is "invented" by Democrats because..."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Outrageous: Michigan Teacher Brooke Harris Fired over Trayvon Martin Fundraiser [updated]

Outrageous: Michigan Teacher Brooke Harris Fired over Trayvon Martin Fundraiser [updated]: "Brooke Harris was a teacher at the Pontiac Academy for Excellence Middle School in Pontiac, Michigan.  When her eighth-grade class — many of whom are black — asked her about “the kid who was killed over some Skittles,” Ms. Harris attempted to “bring her students’ lived experiences into the classrooms.”"

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Idaho Wolf Hunt Over In Most Of The State Leaving 374 Wolves DEAD…. « Howling For Justice

Idaho Wolf Hunt Over In Most Of The State Leaving 374 Wolves DEAD…There is no excuse for this needless slaughter of wolves, and it needs to be stopped!

Trayvon Murder Eyewitness Says Police Refused to See Crime Scene

Trayvon Murder Eyewitness Says Police Refused to See Crime Scene: "the face-obscured witness said that when the cops brought her in for questioning, she offered to show them the scene of the crime and explain exactly what happened—she saw the "larger man" attacking "the boy"—the police declined her offer. Not only that, but they suggested that she was wrong: that Zimmerman was the one calling for help, not Martin. WOW."

And They Call Trayvon Martin “Suspicious?”: Of Dartmouth College, Pathological Whiteness, Rape, Hazing, and Vomit-Egg Sandwiches

And They Call Trayvon Martin “Suspicious?”: Of Dartmouth College, Pathological Whiteness, Rape, Hazing, and Vomit-Egg Sandwiches: "Whiteness is ultimately the freedom to be an individual; blackness is an anchor that stigmatizes by virtue of melanin count, social identity, and connection (real or imagined, tenuous or strong) to a racialized community."

Think You Have the Right to Vote? Not so Much! | craigconnects

Think You Have the Right to Vote? Not so Much!: Think you have the right to vote? Not so much! Voter Suppression is happening across the U.S. as restrictive voting laws are being passed.

Voter Protection Infographic | craigconnects

Voter Protection Infographic: Think you have the right to vote? Not so much! Voter Suppression is happening across the U.S. as restrictive voting laws are being passed.

Unarmed Black Woman Shot and Killed by Chicago Police Officer Less Than a Month After Trayvon Martin Shooting

Unarmed Black Woman Shot and Killed by Chicago Police Officer Less Than a Month After Trayvon Martin Shooting: "Rekia Boyd"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gray Wolf Information Links

Gray Wolf Information Links: "I wonder why people are so misinformed and afraid of wolves? Is it because of the fake wolf attacks people see in the movies, stories and movies about werewolves, propaganda you see floating around in the media about wolves, or what? It really doesn't make any sense to me..."

Right Wing War On Voter's Rights

Right Wing War On Voter's Rights: "The right wing has been actively threatening voting rights all across the country."

Friday, April 6, 2012

NRA expands its role from fight for gun rights to conservative causes

NRA expands its role from fight for gun rights to conservative causes - "The man who shot Martin, George Zimmerman, said he acted in self-defense. Police haven't charged him and legal experts say Florida's "stand your ground" law may shield Zimmerman from prosecution.

The National Rifle Association worked with ALEC to spread similar laws that are on the books in at least 25 states."

Voter Suppression 101

Voter Suppression 101: "The right to vote is under attack all across our country. Conservative legislators are introducing and passing legislation that creates new barriers for those registering to vote, shortens the early voting period, imposes new requirements for already-registered voters, and rigs the Electoral College in select states. Conservatives fabricate reasons to enact these laws—voter fraud is exceedingly rare—in their efforts to disenfranchise as many potential voters among certain groups, such as college students, low-income voters, and minorities, as possible. Rather than modernizing our democracy to ensure that all citizens have access to the ballot box, these laws hinder voting rights in a manner not seen since the era of Jim Crow laws enacted in the South to disenfranchise blacks after Reconstruction in the late 1800s."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Right’s Stealthy Coup | NationofChange

The Right’s Stealthy Coup | NationofChange: "So imagine the shock when conservative justices repeatedly spouted views closely resembling the tweets and talking points issued by organizations of the sort funded by the Koch brothers. Don’t take it from me. Charles Fried, solicitor general for Ronald Reagan, told The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein that it was absurd for conservatives to pretend that the mandate created a market in health care. “The whole thing is just a canard that’s been invented by the tea party . . .,” Fried said, “and I was astonished to hear it coming out of the mouths of the people on that bench.”"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

POLL: Women, Republicans Don't Go Together

POLL: Women, Republicans Don't Go Together: Obama now leads Romney by a two-to-one count -- 60 percent to 30 percent -- among women under 50. This significantly helped Obama take a 9-point lead over Romney in 12 key swing states...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wolf Torture and Execution Continues in the Northern Rockies | The EnvironmentaList | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute

Wolf Torture and Execution Continues in the Northern Rockies "Wolf advocates hope that these pictures will go viral, shaming a nation into facing the torture people inflict on animals and the moral and political failures that promote and legitimize it."

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Newsvine - The Republican Perpetuated Myth About Voter Fraud

The Republican Perpetuated Myth About Voter Fraud:

Voter fraud in the United States is almost nonexistent. The republican claims about voter fraud in order to pass voter ID laws around the country is only an underhanded attempt to make sure less Democrats make it to the polls and vote. Why? Because republicans know they are going to lose big in November if they don't cheat, lie, and steal in every way they can to get less Democratic votes and more republican votes.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Resolve Grows To Put Limbaugh And His Fellow Republicans Out Of a Job

Resolve Grows To Put Limbaugh And His Fellow Republicans Out Of a Job: "Nearly every organization has a symbol and spokesman that serve as a brand identifier, and like McDonalds’ golden arches and Ronald McDonald, the Republican Party has a red-white-and-blue elephant and Rush Limbaugh. There have been numerous debates regarding whether Limbaugh controls the GOP or if he is just their mouthpiece, but one thing is certain; he is the Republican Party’s brand. It is not just Limbaugh’s remarks to the Georgetown law student that identifies him with Republicans and their assault on women’s right to choose their own reproductive health; it is everything he champions from supporting Paul Ryan’s Draconian budget to his shameless defense of the man who murdered Trayvon Martin in Florida."

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Red States See Massive Public Sector Job Losses | The Nation

Red States See Massive Public Sector Job Losses

"Republicans seized control of both branches of the legislature in 11 states after the 2010 elections. It’s in these very states that public sector layoffs are disproportionately concentrated, leading to one of the biggest rounds of job losses for the public workforce since record keeping began. Governors and state legislators promised to focus on creating jobs and balancing budgets during campaign season—even newly elected Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett still claims that creating jobs is one of his “top priorities.” Instead, these newly Republican states are targeting public workers, causing a significant drop in employment in the public sector that has threatened the entire economy."

Smears Continue as White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin’s Email - COLORLINES

Smears Continue as White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin’s Email - COLORLINES:

"A white supremacist hacker says he’s logged in to Trayvon Martin’s Gmail, Yahoo, MySpace, and Twitter accounts. The hacker, who goes by the name Klanklannon, has made it clear his intention is to smear Martin’s reputation."

Voter Decision Maker 2012 - republican or Democrat?

Newsvine - Voter Decision Maker 2012 - republican or Democrat?

For those of you who are having a difficult time deciding whether to vote republican or Democrat, we introduce to you the "Voter Decision Maker 2012!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

Angry and Insulted Women Will Make The Republicans Pay In November

Angry and Insulted Women Will Make The Republicans Pay In November:

"The important message for women is that the only means of bringing the war on women to an end is removing every Republican from state and federal elected office before they relegate women to slave status stuck in the home giving birth and cleaning their man’s chamber pot."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The War on WOMEN is REAL! Here's the Proof-Part 1-Introduction.

The War on WOMEN is REAL! Here's the Proof-Part 1-Introduction.:

I began this research a week ago. I’ve been watching people from the right say over and over that the “War On Women” doesn’t exist…or that it was made-up by the Democrats. I wanted to look at the bigger picture, to see it in some sort of organized form, based on each of the States and set-up alphabetically.
For each of the 50 States, I searched by the name of the State and the key words “anti-women bills.” I found anti-women legislation in all States except nine of them. The nine exceptions were: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. This doesn’t mean there are no anti-women bills in these States, it just means that I didn’t find any.
This is NOT a complete list of the hundreds of new anti-women bills being proposed around the Country. I only included the most recent or most egregious bills listed when I conducted my search.
This is part one of a 7 part series. Links to the rest of the series are on the page linked above.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Response To Ignorance

My Response To Ignorance

It seems that republicans don't feel that women should have the right to have sex and not get pregnant, but at the same time they will argue that health insurance should cover medication for erectile dysfunction. Talk about hypocrisy!

Sunday Morning Republican Cartoons For Your Amusement

Newsvine - Sunday Morning Republican Cartoons For Your Amusement

A list of republican cartoons to hopefully bring a smile to your face. The messages in them are right on the mark.