So, of all small businesses in the study, how many said they would cut back hours or replace full-time workers in response to the health care law?Just 5 percent to 9 percent.And that’s in line with other evidence. Most companies have 10 employees or less — far from the 50-employee threshold. Meanwhile, of firms with 25 to 49 people — a group Rubio said he was concerned about — 87 percent already offer health benefits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual employer survey.Of those with 50 to 199 employees — the smallest businesses actually subject to penalties in 2015 for not offering insurance — 94 percent already offer benefits.Meanwhile, under the law, businesses with fewer than 25 employees may already qualify fortax credits for offering coverage — an extra boost they didn’t get before.
Political news and commentary, environmental news and commentary, and other items of interest from a Progressive Democrat's point of view.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
PolitiFact | Sen. Marco Rubio says 75% of small businesses say they’ll fire workers or cut hours under Obamacare - Pant on Fire Lie
PolitiFact | Sen. Marco Rubio says 75% of small businesses say they’ll fire workers or cut hours under Obamacare - Pants on Fire Lie
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