Part of the preparations Dewhurst alludes to, however, reportedly include confiscating tampons and sanitary napkins — but not guns:
Political news and commentary, environmental news and commentary, and other items of interest from a Progressive Democrat's point of view.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Texas Senate reportedly confiscating tampons during abortion hearing -
Texas Senate reportedly confiscating tampons during abortion hearing -
GOP’s war on women has a new face: Marsha Blackburn -
GOP’s war on women has a new face: Marsha Blackburn -
Blackburn would seem to be an odd choice to help Republicans improve their popularity with women. On “Meet the Press” just two weeks ago she made headlines by insisting women “don’t want” equal pay laws (she of course voted against the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act.) Now she’s insisting that the House GOP’s anti-abortion bill is meant to help women, too. While it now includes an exception for victims of rape and incest, it will only apply to women who have reported those crimes to police, when a majority of survivors do not.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
GOP Rams Through Farm Bill Without Food Stamps
GOP Rams Through Farm Bill Without Food Stamps
SNAP kept 4.7 million families out of poverty in 2011 alone. It has one of the lowest fraud rates of any federal program, and with a return of nearly $2 for every dollar spent it is one of the most efficient ways the government can spend money to help people. Experts say severing the program from the farm bill exposes it to being neglected or gutted.
Wages Have Fallen Fastest In The Lowest Paid Jobs
Wages Have Fallen Fastest In The Lowest Paid Jobs
And considering that some of these people with the lowest paid jobs also depend on food stamps to feed their families, isn't it nice Teapublicans are working so hard to cut funding for the food stamp program?
Tell Congress to Protect Anti-hunger Programs! - Feeding America
Tell Congress to Protect Anti-hunger Programs! - Feeding America
I urge you to oppose cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and invest in the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). I understand the need to balance the budget, but we must do it in a way that reflects our values as a nation. Asking hungry families to bear the burden of reducing the deficit does not reflect those values.
Farm Bill passes in House, without food stamp funding
Farm Bill passes in House, without food stamp funding
Apparently the needy don't need food, that's just a luxury item for them. Tax cuts for the wealthy are much more important. [/s]
"Lawmakers voted 216 to 208 to make changes to federal agricultural policy and conservation programs and end direct subsidy payments to farmers. But the measure says nothing about funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, which historically constitutes about 80 percent of the funding in a Farm Bill."
Apparently the needy don't need food, that's just a luxury item for them. Tax cuts for the wealthy are much more important. [/s]
Democrats Plan Challenge to G.O.P.’s Filibuster Use -
Democrats Plan Challenge to G.O.P.’s Filibuster Use -
In a move that could bring to a head six months of smoldering tensions over a Republican blockade of certain presidential nominees, Senate Democrats are preparing to force confirmation votes on a series of President Obama’s most contentious appointments as early as this week.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
MUST SEE VIDEO! - Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance
MUST SEE VIDEO! - Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance
Hannity's viewpoint about NSA surveillance does a 180° turn from when George W. Bush was President to when Barack Obama is President. This is a PERFECT example of what we have been seeing from a LOT of right wingers, and right wing news pundits.
Billionaire Koch Brother Says Eliminating The Minimum Wage Will Help The Poor | ThinkProgress
Billionaire Koch Brother Says Eliminating The Minimum Wage Will Help The Poor | ThinkProgress
A conservative mogul worth $25 billion says he knows the secret to helping poor people. According to Charles Koch, the U.S. needs to get rid of the minimum wage, which he counts as a major obstacle to economic growth.
On Wednesday, the Charles Koch Foundation launched a $200,000 media campaign in Wichita, Kansas, with a hint of expanding it elsewhere. It is the Kochs’ biggest media buy since they promised to do more to “persuade politicians” after suffering losses in the 2012 election.
In an interview with the Wichita Eagle published Tuesday, Koch said that the minimum wage is one policy he is working against:
U.S. Job Creation Steady at Best Level in Five Years
U.S. Job Creation Steady at Best Level in Five Years
Gallup's U.S. Job Creation Index held steady in June at +22, identical to May -- the highest monthly score since April 2008. The June data confirm that job creation rebounded this spring after dipping to +16 at the start of the year, and it now exceeds the relatively positive figures recorded in mid-2012.
No, The Problem Is Not Guns Moving From Mexico To The US... The Problem Is Guns Moving From The US To Mexico
No, The Problem Is Not Guns Moving From Mexico To The US... The Problem Is Guns Moving From The US To Mexico
I decided to post this information because I'm frequently presenting it to some of the gun nuts (not everyone who owns a gun is a gun nut) who are convinced a lot of guns are being smuggled from Mexico to the US. This way I can just point them to this article.
Mexico possesses strict gun laws, where most types and calibers are reserved to military and law enforcement. For purposes of personal protection, firearms are only permitted within the place of residence and of the type and caliber permitted by law. In other words, the types of guns that the populace can legally buy in Mexico aren't the "big boy" weapons the Mexican drug cartels need and want.
How do the Mexican drug cartels get around these restrictions?
Many of their weapons are purchased in the United States then smuggled into Mexico.
The following links provide information on this topic.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Gun Advocates Resort To Lies About Hitler To Push Their Agenda -
Gun Advocates Resort To Lies About Hitler To Push Their Agenda -
This is of course complete bunk. Hitler never said such a thing. Germany had enacted tough gun control laws in 1928, years before the Nazi rise to power. Instead of banning guns, Hitler instead expanded gun ownership for German citizens (he’d stripped the citizenship of undesirables already) to levels which one cannot even get inside of the United States. The 1938 German Weapons Act actually relaxed all gun ownership restrictions save on pistols. A German citizen could own a fully automatic weapon complete with grenade launcher, legally, under Nazi control.
Fox News Host: ‘The Terrorists Have Won’ …Because Beer Ad Omitted God From Its Commercial -
Fox News Host: ‘The Terrorists Have Won’ …Because Beer Ad Omitted God From Its Commercial -:
'via Blog this'
"“Fox Nation’s” Jesse Watters may not mind having his readers regularly discuss assassinating President Obama and he has personally stalked a young, female blogger because she dared criticize Bill O’Reilly’s sexism, but when it comes to beer ads, he’s found religion. So long as he can exploit it for political gain, that is. Because he actually announced while co-hosting “Fox & Friends” this week, without challenge, that a Samuel Adams beer ad that referenced the Declaration of Independence without mentioning “endowed by their Creator” was a sign that “the terrorists have won” and that the Tea Party has been “targeted.”"
'via Blog this'
The Terrible -
The Terrible -
Ah, the Terrible Twos: nature’s great leveler when it comes to parenting. No matter how many books you’ve read or classes you’ve taken, it WILL happen. It’s unavoidable; the thing’s hard-wired, after all.
Did the vicious little thug want his binky? Did he need his diapers changed? Was he concerned about the regulation of derivatives and credit default swaps? No, strike the third possibility. He wasn’t rational enough to follow any of that hoohah. And then it hit me. It all came together in one of those blinding flash thingies. Whumph! Little Osama bin Oshkosh tamping his widdle feets so deafeningly was the very model of the modern Tea Partier!
Oh, fine, scorn my big eureka moment: The Terrible Twos = The Terrible TEAS! But you’ll know I’m right when you actually stop to consider it. To speed YOUR epiphany, I’ve gone and ransacked the web to bolster my argument…
Republican Geography 101
Republican Geography 101
In keeping with this new wave of innovation in education, Glenn Beck even has his own online college! Republicans are also spreading the word via home schooling texts like “Of Pandas and People.” Heck, even Mike Huckabee has his own edutainment cartoon series! Let’s take a look at how we’ll see the world in the Republican future:
Monday, July 8, 2013
Petition Gets University Officials To Reconsider Giving Bush A Humanitarian Award -
Petition Gets University Officials To Reconsider Giving Bush A Humanitarian Award -
When you think back on George W. Bush’s presidency, “humanitarian” is probably not the first word that comes to mind. After all, the man was the cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths, including almost 5,000 American troops. His failure to pay attention to his daily briefs and other intel quite possibly allowed 9/11 to happen. The treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo and other sites was anything but humanitarian. His approval rating as he left office was the lowest of any sitting president at 25 percent.
Nevertheless, officials at the University of Denver decided that Bush deserved a humanitarian award for “improving the human condition.” Your reaction was pretty much the same as a substantial group of students, faculty and alumni of the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies. They spoke out in an online petition:
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Oppose the Ryan Plan | U.S. Senator Harry Reid, Nevada -- Official Campaign Website
Oppose the Ryan Plan | U.S. Senator Harry Reid, Nevada -- Official Campaign Website
For the third year in a row, radical Republicans in the House pushed through the so-called "Ryan Plan" — and for the third year in a row showed their skewed priorities driven by the extreme Tea Party members.
This Ryan Budget, like the two before it, ends Medicare as we know it and turns it into a voucher system. It guts vital programs in education, nutrition assistance, and health care — all while giving millionaires, billionaires, and corporations more tax breaks.
Radical Tea Party Republicans in the House would rather destroy programs our seniors and middle class families rely on than come together with Democrats to work out a budget that is balanced and fair. Join Harry Reid in telling the House GOP to send over a real budget.
FAUX News & Some Teapublicans Still Claiming Stimulus Didn't Work
FAUX News & Some Teapublicans Still Claiming Stimulus Didn't Work
The economy was failing, then the Recovery Act started spending, then conditions quickly improved. In GOP minds, how is that possible? Was it magic? Was it a coincidence? How do they explain why every relevant economic metric showed sharp improvements immediately after Obama's stimulus took effect?
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