Iowa senator Chuck Grassley is something of an odd character. As I've said before, he used to be considered a reasonable moderate, but in the last couple of years he has basically turned himself into a Tea Party wingnut, combining the ideological extremism, face palm-inducing stupidity, and general craziness that makes that political movement so charming (although I was recently informed that even a couple of decades ago, before Grassley began publicly yelling at clouds, people in the Senate privately considered him kind of a nut).
Today, The Hill reports that Grassley, who has spent the last five years floating conspiracy theories, impugning Barack Obama's motives, and telling truly vicious lies about his policies, is upset that Obama doesn't call him more often. Seriously.
Political news and commentary, environmental news and commentary, and other items of interest from a Progressive Democrat's point of view.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Republicans Mad that President They Despise, Obstruct, and Lie About Doesn't Call More Often
Republicans Mad that President They Despise, Obstruct, and Lie About Doesn't Call More Often
The desolation of the Republicult: The GOP vs reality | Death and Taxes
The desolation of the Republicult: The GOP vs reality | Death and Taxes
Baffling fictional stories have been used by Republican lawmakers as an excuse to oppose any democratic proposal in Congress. For every Democratic policy there is a Republican conspiracy for why not to engage in debate. They are continuously driven away from solutions and evidence. The scary thing to remember is that for every perceived national villain in Congress, there are thousands of their constituents back home who believe in and agree with everything they say. And that more often than not, the hate and nonsense they spew isn’t the exception but the rule, and a strange code that millions live by every day.
Opinion: Best way to respond to Trayvon Martin verdict? Vote -
Opinion: Best way to respond to Trayvon Martin verdict? Vote -
Anderson Cooper discusses Juror B37
What must we do now? Organize! Organize the hurt and frustration into a set of actions that will have policy ramifications and drive the political debate in this country.
So yes protest, but at those protests hand out registration forms and targeted street maps for registration drives in those areas where the protests are being held. Split the marchers up into groups, hand out hoodies and have them fan out across the communities in hoodie registration drives.
Borrow from Howard Dean's 50-State Strategy and organize neighbor to neighbor canvassing programs where people inside the community are engaging the people they live beside in those communities in a conversation about why this matters.
Don't allow politicians who need the votes of our community to avoid addressing laws that will make this sort of profiling and murder more difficult in the future.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Obama Takes Over White House Press Briefing To Speak On Trayvon Martin (VIDEO)
Obama Takes Over White House Press Briefing To Speak On Trayvon Martin (VIDEO)
He went on to recount instances when he had heard "the locks click on the doors of cars" as he walked down the street. African-American men are used to getting into an elevator and seeing a fellow passenger "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off," he said.
"I don't want to exaggerate this, but those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida," Obama said. "And it's inescapable for people to bring those experiences to bear."
Crazy New Black Panther Conspiracy on Zimmerman Case - by McSpocky - Newsvine
Crazy New Black Panther Conspiracy on Zimmerman Case - by McSpocky - Newsvine
Fox News is supporting a conspiracy theory that somehow the New Black Panthers are the ones who "sparked" the case against George Zimmerman... instead of the teenager Zimmerman shot dead. The claim is, of course, based on nothing. Cenk Uygur presents a perfect case in point for why we make fun of Fox News so much.
Daily Kos: George Zimmerman, Off The Hook
Daily Kos: George Zimmerman, Off The Hook
The George Zimmerman trial was about much more than race. In fact, while everyone was talking about racial issues surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin, the jury was guided by metastasizing Stand-Your-Ground laws. You need look no further than the jury instructions to find the power of the NRA and ALEC.
The Republican War on Data
The Republican War on Data
On Wednesday, the House Budget Committee voted to force the Congressional Budget Office to produce deceptive budget data. It is part of a longstanding Republican effort to prevent the government from producing data that conflicts with Republican ideology.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Obama Administration: Premiums Under Obamacare Will Be Even Lower Than Originally Predicted | ThinkProgress
Obama Administration: Premiums Under Obamacare Will Be Even Lower Than Originally Predicted | ThinkProgress
The report will emphasize low costs for young Americans who buy insurance — a group that many commentators have argued would see their rates go up under Obamacare — by using Los Angeles county as an example. There, HHS expects the cheapest, mid-level “Silver” plan for a 25 year old to cost $174 per month without a federal subsidy, and only $34 per month (with a tax credit) for somebody making $17,235. Those numbers also track with data provided by California’s marketplace last month.
The new data comes on the heels of Wednesday’s news that New Yorkers’ premiums will be significantly lower under the health law. Insurers in Oregon, Montana, Louisiana, and California have also already announced marketplace rates that are lower than expected and offer more robust benefits than current policies. And many Americans will actually be able to buy insurance for even lower prices than those top line numbers, thanks to insurance subsidies provided by the federal government.
From marriage equality to immigration reform to health care, President Obama is working day in and day out to build a safer, fairer, and more prosperous America – all while enduring continued vicious attacks from the radical right.
Let the President know you have his back by adding your name below.
Trayvan Lives On | Madison Palm Tree Revue
Trayvan Lives On | Madison Palm Tree Revue
This is a tribute to the life and unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin. It is dedicated to those African-Americans like Trayvon and others who deal with the racist issues that are a continuing and unfortunate part of our American culture. We need to heal somehow. We need to learn not to hate. We need not continue to let those who want to inflict hate to continue through love. We must become the best we can be.
Trayvon Lives On
New Nationwide Study of Election Fraud Since 2000 Finds Just 10 Cases of In-Person Voter Fraud
New Nationwide Study of Election Fraud Since 2000 Finds Just 10 Cases of In-Person Voter Fraud
Exhaustive analysis finds fraud that might be deterred by polling place photo ID restrictions "virtually non-existent."
MoveOn Petitions - AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh
MoveOn Petitions - AARP: Rescue Your Name from Rush Limbaugh
Petition Background
AARP advertising is filling dead air on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh calls women “feminazis,” “infobabes,” “sexretaries,” and, worst of all, “sluts” and “prostitutes.” Limbaugh calls Latinos "weak," "lazy," and "unskilled."
And, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Limbaugh even used the "N-word" and claimed it was not racist.
Over 2,600 advertisers have stopped supporting Limbaugh's shows, and AARP should follow suit.
Other ways you can take action:
Join: The Flush Rush Facebook community
Visit: The StopRush sponsor database
Tweet: #stoprush Twitter campaign
Fact Check: Limbaugh Lie Debunking Site
Install: ThinkContext StopRush browser extension--notifies you as you browse which companies advertise on Rush
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
McDonald's Budget Advice to Employees Accidentally Proves You Can't Survive On Minimum Wage
McDonald's Budget Advice to Employees Accidentally Proves You Can't Survive On Minimum Wage
Visa and McDonald’s teamed up to help show the labor force at McDonald’s how to survive on the fast food chain’s paltry wage structure: You gotta be McSlummin’ It!
I guess now it’s becoming readily apparent why McDonald’s can keep their McFood so McCheap: They McKeep their McEmployees in McPoverty.
Republicans Are Wearing Driving Millions Into Poverty as a Badge of Honor
Republicans Are Wearing Driving Millions Into Poverty as a Badge of Honor
This group of Republicans have shown a religious inclination to create poverty, kill jobs, and impede economic recovery, and just when it appears they reached a new low, they dig a little deeper and find another demographic to punish. Americans may think they can withstand one year of the sequester cuts, but it is a ten-year plan that will increase next year when a full year’s worth of cuts go into effect. The Republicans passed a farm bill giving $195 billion to agricultural corporations, and yet found SNAP (food stamp) funding extraneous and left it out of the bill. They are gearing up to hold the debt ceiling increase hostage unless the President adopts the Ryan budget privatizing Medicare, slashing Social Security, and eliminating nearly all domestic programs, and if Americans think the sequester is bad, they have no idea what GOP cruelty entails. Republicans are unfazed that their handiwork is driving millions of Americans into poverty and burying those already in poverty in hunger, homelessness, and ill-health, and while any American with an ounce of humanity is repulsed at the state of tens-of-millions of their fellow citizens, Republicans are celebrating and plotting the next wave of cuts to create an entire population of impoverished Americans.
At What Age does a Black Male Become a Threat? | Alternet
At What Age does a Black Male Become a Threat? | Alternet
At what age does a black male become a threat? I wanted to believe that we are no longer a country that sees all black males as potentially threatening but that’s a belief not grounded in reality. The reality is we are a country where a substantial percentage of the population sees black males (particularly young ones) as potentially threatening despite having twice elected a decidedly non-threatening black man as President.
Miami May Just Throw Homeless People in Jail | Alternet
Miami May Just Throw Homeless People in Jail | Alternet
Sarnoff argues that homeless people in the downtown business district are a “chronic problem.” Indeed, as the Miami Herald points out, “Most local shelters are at capacity, meaning police can do little to punish the homeless who urinate in the street or light cooking fires in public parks.” Instead of vying for more funding to support the hundreds of homeless people who reside in Miami, Sarnoff’s solution is to jail them for living on the streets.
Harry Reid's Winning Hand on the Senate Filibuster : The New Yorker
Harry Reid's Winning Hand on the Senate Filibuster : The New Yorker
The deal that Reid made yesterday, with John McCain’s help, was actually pretty good. Reid’s big talk yielded big action. He gets confirmation votes on five of the seven nominees on the Democrats’ must-have list. Obama has to withdraw two of his N.L.R.B. picks, but the Republicans agreed to prompt confirmation votes on the replacements he chooses. And the Democrats made no promises about the future of the filibuster. If the Republicans revert to their routine of blocking votes on perfectly qualified Presidential appointments because they don’t like the laws that the appointees would carry out or the agencies they would run, the “nuclear option” remains “on the table.”
The Murderous Cruelty of Conservatives
The Murderous Cruelty of Conservatives
Since you don't understand the issue beyond your desire to limit abortions, Rep. Laubenberg, let me put the meaning of what you have done in clear terms: through your ignorance or incompetence or general lack of interest in the well-being of people who don't look like you or have your size bank account, you will be responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of Texas women. You, Rep. Laubenberg, will be a murderer, no different than some street punk who shoots up a liquor store. His weapon is a gun; yours, a smug satisfaction with your limited understanding of health policy. If Theresa and I were among the rural poor, she would now almost certainly be one the many people you would kill as a result of her inability to gain access to breast screenings. And for that, you deserve not only our contempt, but the contempt of every decent human being with the humility and intelligence to recognize the impact of the legislation you have "written," yet aren't bright enough to understand.
A Rough Guide to Life in the United States of Zimmermanm, the US of Z | Alternet
A Rough Guide to Life in the United States of Zimmermanm, the US of Z | Alternet
In the US of Z the law allows people to hunt each other.
In the US of Z you can be a self-appointed volunteer vigilante, and you have permission to decide a person is up to no good based solely on the color of his skin, and maybe the time of day and your own bigotry.
In the US of Z you may racial profile to your heart's content and the judge won't let it be used against you in court.
In the US of Z, you don't have to feel remorse if you kill someone, even if that person did nothing wrong, even if you went out of your way to get to kill him. You can just believe it was God's plan.
Republican Congressmen & Press Caught Lying About Obamacare | The Daily Banter
Republican Congressmen & Press Caught Lying About Obamacare | The Daily Banter
Here’s a scandal no one’s really talking about in the press or elsewhere for that matter. Republican members of Congress, as well as conservatives across the internet, are engaged in a group lie about the cost of Obamacare. Correction — it’s either a group lie or group stupidity or perhaps a mixture of both. I prefer to think that it’s a deliberate deception about the healthcare law because the alternative explanation is arguably more frightening: an array of prominent conservatives are simply too dumb to read a chart or grasp the basic difference between “gross” costs and “net” costs. It’s economics and finance 101, and considering how they fancy themselves the party of money — the free market party — the distinction between gross and net ought to be common knowledge.
The GOP's latest abortion ban push is staggeringly stupid | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |
The GOP's latest abortion ban push is staggeringly stupid | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |
Funny how attitudes haven't shifted in the same way when it comes to women and, especially, anything to do with sex. Why are debates about reproductive rights mired in Neanderthal attitudes, demonstrably fanciful notions about biology ("legitimate rape"), and pro-life activists stubbornly resistant to even basic attempts at reasonable compromise?
The Republican Party is still ‘stuck on stupid’ | The Raw Story
The Republican Party is still ‘stuck on stupid’ | The Raw Story
Stupid is as stupid does and, apparently, the Republican party didn’t get Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s “stupid memo” because it looks dumber by the day. After losing the 2012 presidential election the “GOP establishment” from former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour to former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich and every white man in between acknowledged that the party must make “the tent” more welcoming to minorities and women – where the votes increasingly are. So what does the GOP do? It keeps headlining white men behaving badly.
Zimmerman Acquittal Shows it’s OK to Murder Young Black Men in America | The Daily Banter
Zimmerman Acquittal Shows it’s OK to Murder Young Black Men in America | The Daily Banter
We know that Trayvon Martin had done nothing wrong, was not suspected of anything, and was unarmed. We know that George Zimmerman was armed with a 9mm hand gun and was pursuing Martin based on the ungrounded assumption that he was a criminal. We know that Martin was running away from Zimmerman – the key piece of evidence that should have determined who the aggressor was. Had Zimmerman done as the 911 dispatcher told him and not pursued Martin, the teenager would be alive today.
The Tea Party & The Inevitable Return Of The Stupid Party | The Daily Banter
The Tea Party & The Inevitable Return Of The Stupid Party | The Daily Banter
Speaking for this sector of conservative politics today were a gaggle of clowns, from the tinfoil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck who is once again predicting the apocalypse any day now, to the scandal plagued Michele Bachmann and the stupidly racist Steve King of Iowa. Those folks all held a big protest today in order to voice their opposition to immigration reform and to make the childish argument for the eradication of the IRS.
The stupid party, as Bobby Jindal called it after last year’s rejection of the Republican Party from coast to coast, is back and still in the driver’s seat.
North Carolina Lawmakers Ram Through Plan That Would Increase Taxes On Poor People | ThinkProgress
North Carolina Lawmakers Ram Through Plan That Would Increase Taxes On Poor People | ThinkProgress
“Those with average incomes of nearly $1 million would receive a total tax cut of nearly $10,000,” the North Carolina Justice Center estimated, while the bottom 80 percent of taxpayers “would experience an increase in their taxes on average.”
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Daily Kos: Why Isn't NRA Arguing Trayvon Martin Tragedy Could Have Been Averted if Only He Had a Gun?
Daily Kos: Why Isn't NRA Arguing Trayvon Martin Tragedy Could Have Been Averted if Only He Had a Gun?
For when the NRA lobbied hard for the Stand Your Ground law in Florida which allowed Zimmerman to murder a young, black youth, it did so with a vision of white 'victimhood' – and gun sales to white Americans – in mind.
The NRA is so dangerous, in part, because of the racist views held by so many of its members, lobbyists and organizational leaders.
It's this racism that prevented the NRA from responding to Martin's death by encouraging similar victims of violent crime to go out and get a gun.
Because the NRA isn't fighting its warped, Second Amendment fight for 'those' people.
Justifiable Homicides: Black Defendants Rarely Get Self-Defense Ruling
Justifiable Homicides: Black Defendants Rarely Get Self-Defense Ruling
A 2012 study by PBS's Frontline is getting a second look post-Zimmerman's exoneration, and it reveals that if you're going to kill in self-defense in America, you'd better be white. By analyzing data from a study by John Roman, senior analyst at the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center, Frontline found that in "Stand your ground" states, white people who kill black people are 354 percent more likely to be found justified in their killings. And it doesn't get much better in non-"Stand your ground" states, where that number goes down only to 250 percent.
Let 'Em Die: TEApublican Quotes Bible To Justify Letting Poor Starve To Death - Americans Against the Tea Party
Let 'Em Die: TEApublican Quotes Bible To Justify Letting Poor Starve To Death - Americans Against the Tea Party
In a disgusting display, even by TEApublican standards, Stephen Fincher (R-TN) quoted the “Book of Thessalonians” to justify letting the poor starve. Fincher smugly stated on the House floor:
The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.
Of course, it’s a well-known attribute of conservatives to see things in black and white while often missing more nuanced aspects of real life. In Fincher’s warped mind, people that need help are just lazy moochers who should simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps, even though, as most liberals know, many of these people don’t even have boots–or functioning feet in the context of this analogy–for that matter.
How Cruel, Twisted TEApublicans Talk About Poor People (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party
How Cruel, Twisted TEApublicans Talk About Poor People (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party
In this montage, compiled by Media Matters, callous right wingers give us their take on the poor in America. The gist?
Well, that poor people aren’t really suffering because they have TVs and cars, that they are low-life, habitual parasites who decide to be permanently dependent on welfare and that they could easily pull themselves out of poverty if they just wanted to and tried hard enough.
You know, the usual.
Former Teacher Dem Rep. Corrects TEApublican Letter With Red Pen--Gives Him an 'F' - Americans Against the Tea Party
Former Teacher Dem Rep. Corrects TEApublican Letter With Red Pen--Gives Him an 'F' - Americans Against the Tea Party
Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) wrote a letter last April addressed to House Speaker, John Boehner, proclaiming his discontent with the immigration reform bill. When it got into former high school teacher Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) hands, he employed every teacher’s best friend, a red marker, to make some hilariously condescending corrections.
New Law Would Allow First Graders To Take NRA-Sponsored Gun Class | Alternet
New Law Would Allow First Graders To Take NRA-Sponsored Gun Class | Alternet
First-graders may soon be able to enroll in a NRA sponsored gun class as a result of a public safety bill signed into law by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (D) on Friday.
The measure requires school personnel to participate in at least eight hours of an “Active Shooter and Intruder Response Training” program conducted by law enforcement officials and allows schools to apply for financial grants for the NRA’s Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program.
Dear ABC: Putting Anti-Vaccine Conspiracist Jenny McCarthy on “The View” Will Kill Children | Alternet
Dear ABC: Putting Anti-Vaccine Conspiracist Jenny McCarthy on “The View” Will Kill Children | Alternet
Vaccine conspiracies, like so much modern cult conspiracy culture, perpetuates itself and lives on indefinitely thanks to the community-building and archiving of the Internet. With the help of some very prominent advocates, with huge audiences and a great deal of influence, it has spread far beyond the fringe. McCarthy has been one of the movement’s most prominent voices for years, and, infuriatingly, much of the media has treated her bullshit as weepy celebrity “awareness-raising” fare instead of crackpotted nonsense.
'Neighborhood Watch' Groups Like Zimmerman's and in Much of the Deep South Are Hardly Different Than Slave Patrols of Old | Alternet
'Neighborhood Watch' Groups Like Zimmerman's and in Much of the Deep South Are Hardly Different Than Slave Patrols of Old | Alternet
George Zimmerman kept close watch over his neighborhood. When Black men walked or even drove through the area, he alerted the police, over and over and over again. Finally, exasperated that “they always” got away, he went out on a rainy night armed with a loaded gun and the Stand Your Ground law, looking for anybody who should not be in his largely White neighborhood.
The South has a long history of this sort of thing. They used to be called Slave Patrols.
15 Shocking Florida Stand Your Ground Cases (PHOTOS)
15 Shocking Florida Stand Your Ground Cases (PHOTOS)
Although George Zimmerman's defense team did not request a Stand Your Ground hearing, one of the jurors told CNN's Anderson Cooper that the self-defense law was considered in their not-guilty verdict.
House GOP Cuts Funding For Lead Removal in Half | Mother Jones
House GOP Cuts Funding For Lead Removal in Half | Mother Jones
Of course, lead removal programs mostly benefit poor people and non-whites, and the Republican Party has made it extra clear lately that they don't care about either group. I guess the only real surprise here is that they didn't cut the program to zero.
The 10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Abortion and Women's Rights | Politics News | Rolling Stone
The 10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Abortion and Women's Rights | Politics News | Rolling Stone
As long as abortion restrictions and bans continue to be rammed through state legislatures and introduced on Capitol Hill, it seems that anti-choice zealots will continue making headlines with their bizarre, scientifically incorrect and downright cruel remarks. Whether they're confusing the basics of female anatomy, making offensive comparisons to historical tragedies, trivializing rape or labeling pro-choice politicians "terrorists," these anti-abortion crusaders – led by a hee-hawing band of actual elected officials – could populate a thousand lists of epically dumb comments. Here's a sampling of the most ill-informed, borderline delusional and flat-out misogynist statements from the so-called "pro-life" movement:
DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |
DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |
The House action that stripped food stamp funding from a massive farm bill would threaten vital assistance for about 5,000 military families, mostly from the junior enlisted ranks, Pentagon officials said Friday.
A Department of Agriculture report last year showed that more than 5,000 of the 48 million Americans receiving Supplementary Nutritional Assistance Program (food stamps) listed their employment status as "active duty military," the Pentagon officials said.
Bachmann aide arrested in connection with House office burglaries - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Bachmann aide arrested in connection with House office burglaries - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) announced Monday it arrested a legislative director for Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) in connection with a string of burglaries at the Rayburn House Office Building.
Jorge Ramos: Does Boehner Want To Be The Next Villain Of The Hispanic Community? | TPM LiveWire
Jorge Ramos: Does Boehner Want To Be The Next Villain Of The Hispanic Community? | TPM LiveWire
He then put the blame in House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) hands, asking; "Does John Boehner really want to be the new villian of the Hispanic community, replacing the hated Sheriff Joe Arapaio?"
Senators Reach Agreement to Avert Fight Over Filibuster -
Senators Reach Agreement to Avert Fight Over Filibuster -
Senate leaders reached a deal on Tuesday morning to preserve the filibuster in exchange for Senate confirmation of President Obama’s long-sought first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as other stalled nominees.
Julie Chen 'Enraged' Over 'Big Brother' Contestant's Racist Behavior (VIDEO)
Julie Chen 'Enraged' Over 'Big Brother' Contestant's Racist Behavior (VIDEO)
"My heart is pounding," Chen said after the clip aired. "Am I the only one who feels so enraged? This is the third time I've watched that clip, and it does not get any easier. I think it shows us all that in 2013, race is still a deeply, deeply personal issue and it is so extremely hurtful. And unless you have ever been on the receiving issue end of it, you simply do not know what it's like to walk a mile in someone's shoes."
Fox Nation Still Demonizing Trayvon Martin - NewsHounds
Fox Nation Still Demonizing Trayvon Martin - NewsHounds
Apparently, the acquittal of their guy, George Zimmerman, was not good enough for those "civil" and "tolerant" folks at Fox Nation. They're not only continuing to use Zimmerman to racially attack President Obama, they're still demonizing Trayvon Martin.
Fox News Can't Quit Misinforming On Pending Filibuster Reform | Blog | Media Matters for America
Fox News Can't Quit Misinforming On Pending Filibuster Reform | Blog | Media Matters for America
As MaddowBlog's Steve Benen pointed out, the CFPB and the NLRB cannot function without confirmation of their respective nominees, essentially nullifying the statutory components of financial reform and labor law these executive bodies are responsible for. It is this use of the filibuster beyond disallowing up-or-down votes on legislation and judicial nominations to blocking critical executive branch personnel - obstruction that literally stops government from functioning - that will change under Reid's proposal.
Contrary to Fox News' reporting, it's not yet about judges.
Blame States For Not Expanding Medicaid, Obama Administration Will Tell Poor Residents
Blame States For Not Expanding Medicaid, Obama Administration Will Tell Poor Residents
The federal government wants poor residents of states not expanding Medicaid under President Barack Obama's health care reform law to know who's denying them health coverage -- and the administration has a plan to make sure they find out.
Tea Partier: Women Aborting Rapist's Baby Should Serve Same Time As Rapist! - Americans Against the Tea Party
Tea Partier: Women Aborting Rapist's Baby Should Serve Same Time As Rapist! - Americans Against the Tea Party
So there you have it, folks. In the sick and twisted world of the Tea Party, a woman should face the same jail time for aborting the rapist’s baby, as the rapist gets for raping her.
Fox Racist Lets Loose, Calls Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson 'Hustlers And Pimps' (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party
Fox Racist Lets Loose, Calls Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson 'Hustlers And Pimps' (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party
I guess it’s kind of like how the double digit IQ-possessing lemmings “enable” Fox by calling it “news” when I am positive it’s just a bunch of entitled, privileged, sheltered, out-of-touch, flaming racist hacks doing Roger Ailes’s bidding like the good, largely brain-dead puppets they are.
Hey Fox “News” team, don’t you have some robes to put on and a rally to get to?
Tea Party Supports Blatant Racism In Springboro, Ohio - Pushing Agenda To Dismantle United States (VIDEO) -
Tea Party Supports Blatant Racism In Springboro, Ohio - Pushing Agenda To Dismantle United States (VIDEO) -
And the Springboro Tea Party is just the latest of these front-groups pushing this ideology seeking to destroy the United States. A check of their historical quotes archive finds quotations from such notables as Adolf Hitler, while also claiming that the U.S. Government is behind 9/11, that fluoride in the water is designed to cause impotence, and that the very idea of laws is something to be overturned and eliminated. I suppose in such a nation as they imagine, lynch mobs would replace the police, and justice would be at the end of a gun. Some ‘freedom’ they want for us all.
Ever since the Tea Party movement was founded in 2002 by the Koch brothers, it has courted these form of anti-government radicals. They have played a very long-view game, creating think tanks and organizations decades earlier, which now serve as the foundation for their movement today. The Tea Party are just puppets at the end of Koch strings.
These Three Facts Should Have Convicted Trayvon Martin's Killer(VIDEO)
These Three Facts Should Have Convicted Trayvon Martin's Killer(VIDEO)
In a gun crazy country, being a man or boy walking in black or brown skin is now a hazard to your health. It is amazing how easy five mothers (the sixth juror is childless) were able to accept the demonization of a kid to provide cover and comfort for either their fear or prejudice to free his killer.
Conservatives Creating Their Own Reality: Dangerous And Dumb Lawmakers Threaten Women's Health -
Conservatives Creating Their Own Reality: Dangerous And Dumb Lawmakers Threaten Women's Health -
Whether they are talking about rape, sex, pregnancy, sex education or any related topic, the Republican Party has repeatedly shown their ignorance and therefore, their desperate need for some kind of fact based education about reproductive health. Whether passing laws that force doctors to make statements that are blatantly untrue, or those that allow doctors to forcibly violate a woman’s body via the use of vaginal probes, we can clearly see the damage done when uneducated and uninformed lawmakers gain power to legislate via extreme religious beliefs that have grown into a cultist obsession, and clearly lost all grasp of reality.
Irrefutable Proof That The GOP Doesn't Care About Helping The American People -
Irrefutable Proof That The GOP Doesn't Care About Helping The American People -
In addition to the constant trashing of Obama’s actual record with lies and distortions, I’m also sick to death of claims that Democrats “had no spines” and couldn’t pass anything. Republicans held Congress from 1994-2006 and rigged the filibuster rules. If you’ll remember, they pretended to try to kill the filibuster, and in the process, ended up simplifying the rules, making it easier for a single senator to hold up a bill anonymously, and require 60 votes for cloture to release that hold.
Red States Are The Real Welfare States -
Red States Are The Real Welfare States -
The secret is not so secret after all, many Red states are really parasites and gold-diggers when it comes to collecting Federal dollars even though they are the most vociferous about government posts some wonderful maps that highlight these bloodsucking states who want you to believe that they are really against expanding the government spending that they crow about. Empty vessels really do make the most noise.
The Enemies Within: The 20 Most Dangerous Conservatives And Their Organizations
The Enemies Within: The 20 Most Dangerous Conservatives And Their Organizations
America has enemies. Not just abroad, but within our shores as well. And our domestic enemies, as it turns out, are MORE dangerous and destructive than the terrorists could ever hope to be. Because while the terrorists want to destroy us, the following people and their organizations are doing far more damage.
The Party Of Rape Culture: 40 Republican Rape Quotes Everyone Should Remember -
The Party Of Rape Culture: 40 Republican Rape Quotes Everyone Should Remember -
Republicans are obsessed with rape. It is perhaps the one issue that caused the GOP to implode during the 2012 Election. The foot-in-mouth disease carried by the party has revealed much about the current beliefs of conservatives and it has spread like a plague in just the last year or two, and as Republicans have continued to attack rape victims, they have united women like never before against their extreme anti-abortion agenda.
In just the last six months alone, Republicans have forced draconian anti-abortion legislation into law in Kansas, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Arkansas even after they acknowledged that they needed to do more to attract women voters. Well, apparently Republicans don’t care about what women think because they have done nothing but double down on the war on women they have been viciously waging since 2010, when Tea Party Republicans took control of state legislatures and governorships in states across the nation.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Democrats plan rules change to limit Senate debate
Democrats plan rules change to limit Senate debate
Barring a last minute deal late Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., made clear he will move forward Tuesday with a controversial maneuver -- known as the "nuclear option" -- to change the chamber's rules to make it easier to confirm President Obama's executive branch nominees.
Tyranny of the Minority - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont
Tyranny of the Minority - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont
Finally confronting bare-knuckle Republican obstruction tactics, the Senate on Thursday began to debate changing its rules for confirming presidential nominees. Under a proposal by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a majority of senators, not the extraordinary 60 votes needed under existing rules, could shut off debate over nominations for Cabinet posts and other senior administration jobs subject to Senate confirmation. Sen. Bernie Sanders wholeheartedly agrees with Reid. “With rare exceptions, a president should have the right to appoint his team to implement the policies he was elected to carry out,” Sanders said. What brought the issue to a head were the long-stalled nominations of Thomas Perez to head the Department of Labor and Gina McCarthy to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Republicans also have dragged out the confirmation process on nominees to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which they opposed creating in the first place, and the National Labor Relations Board, which enforces workplace laws they don’t like.
Michele Bachmann Wants To ‘Spank The President’ And Steal His ‘Magic Wand’ | Mediaite
Michele Bachmann Wants To ‘Spank The President’ And Steal His ‘Magic Wand’ | Mediaite
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) warned Monday that Republicans are in danger of losing control of the House of Representatives in 2014 if they let President Obama “wave his magic wand” and allow newly legal immigrants to vote. And as the congresswoman explained to conservative website WorldNetDaily, the only way to prevent this from happening is for Congress to give the president a “spanking” on immigration.
Geraldo: ‘You Dress Like A Thug, People Are Going To Treat You Like A Thug… I Stand By That’ | Mediaite
Geraldo: ‘You Dress Like A Thug, People Are Going To Treat You Like A Thug… I Stand By That’ | Mediaite
Reacting to George Zimmerman‘s acquittal on this Sunday’s Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera reiterated a claim he’s made many times over: Trayvon Martin was dressed in “thug wear” the evening he was shot and killed; and can be at least partially blamed for the tragic events that evening.So apparently, according Geraldo Rivera, you have to wear the right clothes or someone can murder you and get away with it.
Zimmerman’s Brother Goes After Trayvon On CNN: ‘What Makes People Angry Enough To Attack The Way He Did?’ | Mediaite
Zimmerman’s Brother Goes After Trayvon On CNN: ‘What Makes People Angry Enough To Attack The Way He Did?’ | Mediaite
Robert Zimmerman sounds a little bit racist to me...
Robert Zimmerman responded by wondering if Trayvon Martin had been buying guns or growing pot, and accusing his brother’s critics of being unable to answer tough questions about race themselves.
Robert Zimmerman sounds a little bit racist to me...
Al Sharpton Pushes For Civil Rights Charges Against Zimmerman: Trayvon Had The ‘Civil Right To Go Home’ | Mediaite
Al Sharpton Pushes For Civil Rights Charges Against Zimmerman: Trayvon Had The ‘Civil Right To Go Home’ | Mediaite
“Trayvon Martin had the civil right to go home, and in 100 cities this Saturday there will be demonstrations in front of federal buildings led by ministers pressing the federal government to protect our right,” Sharpton warned.
NBC legal analyst Lisa Bloom said that the federal government will have to show that the charges of civil rights violations are “substantially different” from the crime of which he was acquitted. She noted that this was possible because the prosecution did not focus on the racial element of the case during proceedings.
The Billionaires' War Against Public Education
The Billionaires' War Against Public Education
It is no accident that both films promote similar themes. Both were produced by Walden Media, which is owned by Phil Anschutz, a right-wing businessman who owns two of the nation's premier conservative publications (the Weekly Standard and the Washington Examiner) and whose foundation has donated $210,000 to the antiunion National Right to Work Legal Defense Fund. Anschutz is also a backer of Americans for Prosperity, the political war chest founded by the right-wing Koch brothers and has donated to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has made dismantling labor unions a key part of his policy agenda. Anschutz also spent $10,000 in 1992 to promote Colorado's Proposition 2, which let private property owners discriminate against gays and lesbians, $150,000 to the Mission America Foundation, which condemns homosexuality as "deviance," and $70,000 to the Discovery Institute, which attacks the idea of evolution and proclaims that "Darwinism is false."
The Koch Brothers Are Waging War Against the Poor
The Koch Brothers Are Waging War Against the Poor
The conservative mogul who is worth over $43 billion says that eliminating the minimum wage is a solution to America's poverty woes.
On Wednesday, the Charles Koch Foundation launched a $200,000 media blitz in Wichita, Kansas, Koch's home state, saying that the minimum wage is THE major obstacle to economic growth in America.
There is no credible information or data that backs up Koch's claims that the minimum wage impedes economic growth, and that doing away with it would solve any of our problems.
In fact, the data says otherwise.
Republicans Nix Food Stamps Because Starving People is Their Brand | Alternet
Republicans Nix Food Stamps Because Starving People is Their Brand | Alternet
Conservative Republicans have turned the farm bill -- normally a bipartisan grotesquerie of agribusiness subsidies and excess -- from legislation to identity politics. They wanted to make a statement, even though they knew it couldn't survive the Senate or the White House veto. They passed it anyway -- without one Democratic vote -- to proclaim this is who we are.
Who are they? They just passed a farm bill that included about $195 billion in subsidies to "farmers" (read: agribusiness) over 10 years, while eliminating food stamps and nutrition programs from the bill as " extraneous."
New Illinois Law Empowers George Zimmerman style Cop Wannabes | Alternet
New Illinois Law Empowers George Zimmerman style Cop Wannabes | Alternet
Even as the nation grapples with the fact that Walking While Black is a capital crime, a new Illinois law ensures future Zimmerman style vigilantes. There may only be six people in the nation who understand how stalking someone while armed and murdering them is “self-defense,” but in Illinois more “enforcer” bloodshed is just around the corner.
This week Illinois passed its first concealed carry law, emboldening an estimated 300,000 people to deputize themselves, Zimmerman style, as citizen cops. Three days before the Sandy Hook massacre, a circuit court struck down Illinois' concealed carry gun ban and a bill was swiftly passed by the Illinois legislature.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn made amendatory changes to the bill like banning guns in bars and places serving liquor, limiting carriers to one weapon and ammunition clips to 10 rounds, but the legislature overrode him last week. Thank you NRA and Illinois gun lobby. Alcohol may double gun-related violence and accidents but concealed carry bills double guns $ales. So, it’s a banner moment for people who want to drink while carrying multiple weapons with many rounds in Illinois
The Backlash Begins: Indiana Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Felony Punishable by Prison | Alternet
The Backlash Begins: Indiana Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Felony Punishable by Prison | Alternet
On July 1 of next year, same-sex couples applying for a marriage license in Indiana will have committed a felony punishable by 18 months in prison an a $10,000 fine. The new crime stems from the revival of a 1997 law forbidding false information on a marriage license as a Class D felony. It will also make it a Class B misdemeanor -- punishable by up to 180 days in a jail and a maximum fine of $1,000 -- for clergy, judges, and others to perform a same-sex marriage.
"They Throw Kids on the Ground, Put Guns to Their Heads" -- The Horrors Unleashed by Police Militarization | Alternet
"They Throw Kids on the Ground, Put Guns to Their Heads" -- The Horrors Unleashed by Police Militarization | Alternet
Back in the early 1970s, nationwide outrage over a series of wrong-door drug raids had inspired furious politicians to hastily call congressional hearings; as a consequence, the law that had authorized those raids was repealed. Now, in 2000, an eleven-year-old boy had just been obliterated at close range with a shotgun as his parents and siblings lay on the ground beside him. And even that wasn’t enough to stop his own town from discontinuing the aggressive tactics that caused his death. The mistakes, the terrorizing of innocents, and the unnecessary fatalities would continue.
Zimmerman Verdict Declares Open Season on Black Boys
Zimmerman Verdict Declares Open Season on Black Boys
Let it be noted that on this day, Saturday 13 July 2013, it was still deemed legal in the US to chase and then shoot dead an unarmed young black man on his way home from the store because you didn't like the look of him.
The killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year was tragic. But in the age of Obama the acquittal of George Zimmerman offers at least that clarity. For the salient facts in this case were not in dispute. On 26 February 2012 Martin was on his way home, minding his own business armed only with a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles. Zimmerman pursued him, armed with a 9mm handgun, believing him to be a criminal. Martin resisted. They fought. Zimmerman shot him dead.
Documents Reveal State Officials, Not Scientists, Led Decision to Strip Endangered Species Protections From Wolves Across Country
Documents Reveal State Officials, Not Scientists, Led Decision to Strip Endangered Species Protections From Wolves Across Country
Documents obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit show last month’s proposal to remove most federal protections for gray wolves was preordained three years ago in a series of meetings with state wildlife agencies.
Under the Endangered Species Act, decisions to list and delist species must be made solely on the basis of the best available science. In this case the newly obtained documents suggest the Service pushed ahead to delist wolves without scientific support in order to obtain a political outcome desired by state fish and game agencies.
CBS host confronts Republican rep.: House farm bill is ‘welfare for the wealthy’ | The Raw Story
CBS host confronts Republican rep.: House farm bill is ‘welfare for the wealthy’ | The Raw Story
CBS host Bob Schieffer on Sunday confronted Republican Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) after his fellow Republicans in the House stripped food stamps from the farm bill.
“You pass a farm bill in the House that gives billions of dollars, much of it to large corporations that own farms,” Schieffer noted. “It’s almost like welfare for the wealthy.”
“But you don’t include a dollar for hungry people for food stamps. What kind of message is that?” the CBS host asked.
CBS host confronts Republican rep.: House farm bill is ‘welfare for the wealthy’ | The Raw Story
CBS host confronts Republican rep.: House farm bill is ‘welfare for the wealthy’ | The Raw Story
CBS host Bob Schieffer on Sunday confronted Republican Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) after his fellow Republicans in the House stripped food stamps from the farm bill.
“You pass a farm bill in the House that gives billions of dollars, much of it to large corporations that own farms,” Schieffer noted. “It’s almost like welfare for the wealthy.”
“But you don’t include a dollar for hungry people for food stamps. What kind of message is that?” the CBS host asked.
From the website "Face Swappers"... If this had been the case, what would the verdict have been?
From the website "Face Swappers"... If this had been the case, what would the verdict have been?
If Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman had been these races, would the trial outcome have been the same? Personally, I doubt it very much...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Limbaugh Returns to Slutgate, Calling Educated Moms "Lushes" Who "End Up at the Motel" | MyFDL
Limbaugh Returns to Slutgate, Calling Educated Moms "Lushes" Who "End Up at the Motel" | MyFDL
Limbaugh surmises “…if all you’re going to do with that education is be a mommy, you are headed for white wine”…“they go out and start drinking white wine, and then they become lushes”. Rush then reverts to ‘slut’ talk, explaining how these ladies get promiscuous with random men:
“And the guys in the bars who are drinking less are waiting for the white wine-drinking women to cruise by them on the way home from the grocery store…[t]hey head them off at the pass and end up at the Motel 6 or whatever is nearby.”
Trayvon Martin Case News - 911 Call, 'Stand Your Ground' Law - HuffPost Black Voices
Trayvon Martin Case News - 911 Call, 'Stand Your Ground' Law - HuffPost Black Voices
Trayvon Martin was an unarmed, 16-year-old who was killed by a neighborhood watch member as he walked to his father's home in a gated community. The case has gained national attention, as George Zimmerman, the man who admitted to shooting and killing him, was not initially arrested or charged. After nearly 6 weeks and considerable public outcry, prosecutors charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder in the case, which has become a flashpoint in the conversations about racial profiling and gun laws. See a timeline of events for the Trayvon Martin case here.
Florida Justice: Black Domestic Violence Victim Gets 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot, Hurting No One; Zimmerman Walks -
Florida Justice: Black Domestic Violence Victim Gets 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot, Hurting No One; Zimmerman Walks -
George Zimmerman killed a 17-year-old boy he’d stalked for being ‘suspicious’ (a black teenager in a neighborhood where there’d been some problems… also known as “racial profiling”), provoked an altercation, shot the boy to death and then got off scott-free based on the parameters of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Yes, Zimmerman’s lawyer dropped that particular defense and went with plain old “self defense” instead (getting out of your car and following someone is, by definition, not “standing” your ground) but the very existence of the law pollutes the way people view murder “unavoidable” shootings. Particularly when a black person is the victim. But if the shooter is black? Good luck finding equal treatment.
Zimmerman Walks Free As GOP Continues Plan To Replace Cops With Vigilantes (VIDEO) -
Zimmerman Walks Free As GOP Continues Plan To Replace Cops With Vigilantes (VIDEO) -
When the jury returned a non-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, it fell like a solid slap in the face to the idea of justice, law, and order in the United States. A man had engaged in vigilantism, the taking of matters best handled by the police into his own hands, and, on his own, proceeded to execute a child who was guilty of nothing but being black… and being in the crosshairs of George Zimmerman. And the jury, in effect, rewarded Zimmerman for his actions, telling society that it is okay for people to essentially murder each other, so long as they feel justified in what they are doing. So long as they can claim “self defense” when those they pursue fight for their lives.
It IS About Race: Study Finds Significant Racial Bias In 'Stand Your Ground' Laws -
It IS About Race: Study Finds Significant Racial Bias In 'Stand Your Ground' Laws -
A Frontline piece titled Is There Racial Bias in “Stand Your Ground” Laws? discussed a study done last year by PBS Frontline on those very questions, focused particularly on how murder convictions and the racial make-up of victims have been impacted by the SYG. What they found was, to put it bluntly, that “Stand Your Ground” makes it easier for blacks to be murdered without anyone being convicted of the crime.
Daily Kos: Connecting the Dots - ALEC & the War on Women
Daily Kos: Connecting the Dots - ALEC & the War on Women
- I saw people mentioning ALEC and trying to connect the dots for others that there was a connection between ALEC and the war on women legislation we are seeing play out in legislatures across the United States.
There is.
But some may not be aware of the connection - so I am republishing an edited and very slightly modified version of a much longer diary I posted 18 months ago.
Progress Reports - ThinkProgress
Progress Reports - ThinkProgress
The Climate Denier Caucus
Climate change is happening, humans are the cause, and a shocking number of congressional republicans - more than 55 percent - refuse to accept it.
Delusions of Populism -
Delusions of Populism -
So when Republicans engineer sharp cuts in unemployment benefits, block the expansion of Medicaid and seek deep cuts in food stamp funding — all of which they have, in fact, done — they may be disproportionately hurting Those People; but they are also inflicting a lot of harm on the struggling Northern white families they are supposedly going to mobilize.
Top Democrat Goes Off On GOP For Slashing Food Stamps | ThinkProgress
Top Democrat Goes Off On GOP For Slashing Food Stamps | ThinkProgress
When it comes to the Farm Bill, twice now the Senate has passed the Farm Bill by strong bipartisan votes, sent it to the House where it failed because they couldn’t even call a bill and this year when it was called even Republicans wouldn’t vote for it. Now they have stripped out food stamps.
Zimmerman verdict: A green light for racist vigilantes -
Zimmerman verdict: A green light for racist vigilantes -
Why do Zimmerman and some Americans feel entitled to police black and brown people like vigilantes? Why did the Sanford Police Department test a dead boy’s body for drugs in “standard operating procedure,” yet failed to test a live man’s body for alcohol or drugs? Why did the Sanford Police Department fail so miserably during the critical immediate hours after arriving on the scene?
Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote 'Stand Your Ground' In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress
Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote 'Stand Your Ground' In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress
Stand Your Ground isn’t the only legislation ALEC has peddled to state legislators. The group is also responsible for bills that block workers from getting paid sick leave, efforts to stop whistleblowers trying to expose horrific agricultural practices, and many, many bills meant to stop environmental regulations and education about climate change. The latter is likely thanks to the group’s ties to the Koch Brothers, billionaires who made their fortune in the oil industry.
Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote 'Stand Your Ground' In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress
Civil Rights Leader Turns Attention To Group That Wrote 'Stand Your Ground' In Aftermath Of Zimmerman Verdict | ThinkProgress
Stand Your Ground isn’t the only legislation ALEC has peddled to state legislators. The group is also responsible for bills that block workers from getting paid sick leave, efforts to stop whistleblowers trying to expose horrific agricultural practices, and many, many bills meant to stop environmental regulations and education about climate change. The latter is likely thanks to the group’s ties to the Koch Brothers, billionaires who made their fortune in the oil industry.
Texas Renews GOP's War on Women | The People's View
Texas Renews GOP's War on Women | The People's View
If the national Republican party is trying to tell you that the Republican war on women is over, don't believe them. That's the message Texas Republicans sent today by passing their "women should be barefoot and pregnant" bill. The Texas Republican party and Gov. Perry both bragged at this shameful act of subjugating women's freedom to the whim of a government.
Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News
Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News
A Florida woman who fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.
NAACP | Urge the DOJ to file civil rights charges
NAACP | Urge the DOJ to file civil rights charges
A jury has acquitted George Zimmerman, but we are not done demanding justice for Trayvon. Sign our petition to the Department of Justice today.
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