A 2012 study by PBS's Frontline is getting a second look post-Zimmerman's exoneration, and it reveals that if you're going to kill in self-defense in America, you'd better be white. By analyzing data from a study by John Roman, senior analyst at the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center, Frontline found that in "Stand your ground" states, white people who kill black people are 354 percent more likely to be found justified in their killings. And it doesn't get much better in non-"Stand your ground" states, where that number goes down only to 250 percent.
Political news and commentary, environmental news and commentary, and other items of interest from a Progressive Democrat's point of view.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Justifiable Homicides: Black Defendants Rarely Get Self-Defense Ruling
Justifiable Homicides: Black Defendants Rarely Get Self-Defense Ruling
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